FREE (for a short time): Yelp for Business Guide
Get it while it’s hot! Our publisher, Wiley, is running a promotion to temporarily offer our Yelp e-Book for the low, low price of free.
Have you ever wondered how the Yelp review filter works? What percent of Yelp reviews are fake? How to handle a negative Yelp review? In this quick-start guide, we give you tips on maximizing your visibility and customer acquisition options on Yelp and avoiding the notoriously aggressive Yelp filter. We also deliver clear-eyed analysis on which of Yelp’s features are worth your time, and weigh in on the controversies surrounding the site.
Best of all, it’s currently being offered for free on Amazon! Why? Because once you see how great this Yelp guide is, you’ll have an irresistible urge to purchase our book: Five Stars: Putting Online Reviews to Work For Your Business. At least, that’s what we’re hoping ;).
Find the free Yelp Guide here: http://amzn.to/1qe89AB
(click on “Free Preview” to download)